Few Landscape Features Which Impact Its Appeal

An easy way to enhance your landscape’s appeal and functionality are with innovative garden design ideas. Get in touch with experienced landscapers, and they will consider the mood and functional requirements of your outdoor space before customising their services. They know how to transform gardens by maintaining boundaries and decorating the lawn with ornaments. They also consider all the vital features of a landscape design that impact its appeal. The objective is to get your yard in the best possible shape.

4 Vital Features Of A Landscape Design

  • Lines

The lines we generally include in the landscape design can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal or curved. When appropriately used in landscape designs, lines help control movement, accentuate an object or draw attention to a water feature or a fire pit. A person will draw towards an area if there is a garden path or a walkway with a direct route. If you want to bring a feeling of surprise, create a meandering walkway.

  • Forms

Every form made with three-dimensional objects is an integral part of landscape design. You will find plants in various forms like upright, round and spreading. Your landscape will get a natural and flowing feel if there is a round plant in a curved bedline. To create a more formal or rigid feel, place the columnar or upright plant along a linear walk. You can group landscape plants together in a mass to change their form.

  • Colour

One of the most commonly used features of every landscape design is its colour. Few of the warm colours landscapers generally prefer including in the landscape design, are yellow, red and oranges. Blues, purples and greens are popular cool colours. When warm and cool colours are combined the right way, you can create the right visual impact on the landscape. Colours are vital for both plants and hardscape.

  • Texture

The texture is generally divided into three categories by landscapers. They are medium, fine and coarse. Take a closer look at your landscape, and you will realise that all the elements have their texture. To add interest to your landscape, you can contrast different textures. Landscape plants and flowers have textural attributes. When used properly, they can improve the visual quality of the landscape.

Since you are now aware of all the vital features of a landscape design, get in touch with experienced landscapers and enhance your outdoor space’s appeal.