4 Stunning Colour Combinations for Aggregate Driveways
An aggregate driveway is just what you might be looking forward to for the front section of your house. Although these driveways are rougher than the concrete ones, the texture presents an aesthetically appealing look. These driveways are more durable, slip-resistant, easy to construct and visually stunning. Unlike the paved concrete driveways, You can easily add different colours to aggregate driveways. It is always preferable that the front of your house look colourful and welcoming. Why should you bother installing a concrete driveway when you have such an interesting option in hand? Hire professionals for great-looking driveways in Esher.
Here are a few ideas of Different colour combinations that you can try for aggregator driveways.
Different colour combinations for aggregate driveways
Monochrome grey
The most common colour is the monochrome grey that Homeowners paper if they are not in a mood of experimenting. You can keep it simple with the same colour option. However, with time this colour option might seem boring. Although aesthetically, they are pleasing to the eyes because of the texture of aggregate stone chips placed over the driveway.
Light brown
light brown Is another common colour that is used by the majority of domestic customers. Light brown seems a very soothing option for a driveway among the grey driveways. If the colour of your home exteriors is naturally brown or reddish, then opting for light brown is the best choice. The light brown colour is simple and classy and can work well for a long time.
Grey and brown
If you are confused between the above two colours, you can combine grey and light brown and apply the same On your driveway. This is a received colour combination used by most of the home, not in a mood of experimenting. When the sun rays fall upon this colour combination, the Natural stone material produces a beautiful glow.
White and black
The white and black combination is a rare combination that you will find in the front driveway of any house. However, if you are ready to take on challenges, then this colour combination will particularly suit a modernistic home. If you opt for this colour combination, you will get two types of stones: white concrete dark aggregate stones built up the driveway successfully.
Parklane Landscaping, located in Dorking, has experts who will help you with different colour combinations for your driveways. Contact us immediately if you want to install a beautiful driveway for your front view.